You do You!!
What a simple statement!!
I heard my good friend, Mary Fisher (, say this earlier this year, and it has resonated within me ever since!!
How can one small statement, make such a large impact!!
For someone who has spent much of their life wondering what others think or has always been a people-pleaser, this statement can actually be very freeing!!
You do You!!
What this has meant to me……..that we should stop comparing ourselves to others or others to us. We should be focusing on what we are doing each day and looking within ourselves to make us a better person.
You do You!!
Another thing this means to me is that we are all different, and we should embrace each other’s individuality. We should learn to enjoy each other for who we are, who they are, and embrace all the relationships we have.
You Do YOU!!!!!!!
Thank you, Mary Fisher, for giving me this!!!
So……You Do You and I will do Me!! Let’s all be supportive of each other in our trials and happy for each other in our achievements!! And most of all…..let’s all be kind to one another!!!!

Back to quilting……….I know it has been awhile since I posted, and I have been doing a lot of teaching, and not a ton of quilting, but here are some pictures of some quilts I have recently finished.

1st Place in Virginia Beach AQS Show
If I don’t get to write again until after the holidays, I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas……and a Happy “You Do You” New Year!!!
Powerful message, I appreciate you sharing this.
Thanks, Kathy!!