Two years ago this month I opened my own long arm business doing custom quilting. I really wasn’t sure at the time how I would pull it off, if I was any good at it, or if people would like my work……..but what I did know is that I loved this part of the quilting process.
When my long arm was first installed, by Cottonseed Glory, Annapolis, MD, I actually didn’t even touch it for the first two weeks. Even though I had used a sit-down long arm for a couple of years, seeing this huge machine on a large frame really intimidated me and my thoughts were “oh my gosh…..what did I do?” I would open the door to my quilting room and just stand there and look at it, until I finally gained the courage to try it out……and from that point on I haven’t looked back!!
Two years later and I have an awesome group of customers and a love for custom quilting that grows every day.
Here are a few of my first customer quilts….of course, I practiced on my own quilts first and on scrap fabric!!!