I always intend to write more timely posts, but life as usual gets in the way, and I don’t!! In all actuality, I would rather be quilting than trying to figure out what to write about….LOL!!!
I did want to share some quilts with you though. This quilt was made by Ellen, and I recently had the pleasure of quilting it. I had a vision for this quilt and had it in my mind that I would do spirals randomly placed all over the quilt and then fill in with straight line quilting. The perfect spiral was awaiting me in my ProStitcher, which is the computerized system that I have on my longarm. I am mainly a free motion quilter, but sometimes the perfect design lives inside my Pro Stitcher!! Ellen named this quilt “Flamingo Sky”.

I have been working on a small wall hanging to submit into a show. I have added some bling since this picture, but the crystals really don’t show in the pictures very well, so this is the piece before the bling application!!! 🙂

And last but not least…..I purchased this panel (I actually saw my friend, Kelly Ashton, do a couple of these and fell in love with them). OK….so I may have purchased a couple of these!! The panel on it’s own is just gorgeous, but I think with the quilting it really makes it special!!! I decided to do all feathers in the petals on this one. It will make a great feather sample for some of my classes. I can’t wait to get the next one done.
This was quilted using free motion quilting on my Handi Quilter Avante. I used Glitter Thread and MicroQuilter Thread by Superior Threads. This was double batted, with Quilters Dream Poly blend on the bottom and Wool on top.

I am already getting prepped to start getting class kits ready for MQX NH in April. I can’t wait to meet all of my students. I have three Sold Out Hands On classes…..woohoo!!!!! If you are interested in this event, you can find out more here.
I have also been working on a few special things that I will share soon. There may be a new ruler in the works, which I am pretty excited about!! You know I am big on helping people get comfortable with free motion quilting, so that is what I am hoping for in my new free motion item coming soon!!! I will share with all of you as soon as I am able to!!
MAQ registration is coming around the first of March, so if you are wanting more information on that, the faculty and class listings are on their website.
Happy Quilting!!!
What you did with that panel is just stunning. I love it. And your whole cloth quilt as well.
Kathy – Thank you for your kind words!!!