This past Novemer, the Handi Quilter Educators were given a challenge to quilt ice-dyed whole cloths that were made by Debra Linker (here is her facebook page). She does exquisite work and I was honored to be part of this challenge.
If we turned in our completed projects by a certain date, we were able to get our quilts into Machine Quilting Unlimited Magazine. I decided to give it a try and what fun I had in this process of quilting this piece.
So I started my process, and will share some of my progress shots:

The back of the finished quilt:
Fully Finished:
The binding on this is a “faced binding”. This was new to me, but I am totally loving it!!
Make sure to pick up your copy of this magazine, as there are several others featured in this article, and they are all extremely unique and beautiful!!!
Happy Quilting!!!
Absolutely beautiful! And now I have learned what “faced binding” is too.
I love the way that you can’t see the binding at all on a faced binding!! Really makes it look like art work!!!
Oh, Jane, this is absolutely beautiful- quite the inspiration!!!!!
Thanks, Lynn!
Thank you, Lynn!!