I wrote a post awhile ago on the hand-embroidered quilts that I have had the pleasure of quilting, and now want to give some attention to the machine-applique quilts that I have also had the pleasure to quilt.
Machine appliqué is not for everyone…..the same as hand-applique isn’t. I am not a fan of doing hand applique myself, but I truly do not mind doing machine-applique….although I do know some people that don’t like that very much either!! You know who you are…..lol!!!! 🙂
There are lots of different techniques and stitches you can use to machine appliqué, but it seems the most popular are the blanket stitch and the satin (zigzag) stitch.

I had such a blast quilting all of the following machine appliqué quilts and admired each and every one of them as I was quilting them. The amount of appliqué that had to be done on many of them is so daunting to me, but I did love quilting them.
Alma’s Christmas quilt was one of my very first custom quilting jobs, and there was an assortment of techniques used on this one, including machine-applique. I can’t begin to tell you how nervous I was quilting this quilt!! But it was very exciting when it won Reserved Grand Champion at our local fair!!

This owl quilt is just adorable and I had so much fun with this one!!

This quilt is all machine appliqué and was from a William Morris BOM. It is truly stunning!! There were many hours of machine-applique that went into this one.

Debbie’s Under the Sea Quilt was a lot of fun to do.

Here is a Buggy Barn Dog Quilt that used machine-applique with different types of fabrics.

Ellen’s Striped Dresden quilt had the Dresden’s machine appliqued down with just a straight stitch. I love these Dresdens.

Mary’s quilt is truly a work of art!! The amount of machine appliqué that is in this quilt is more than I can ever imagine doing. It is amazing!!

Nancy’s Quilt is also a William Morris BOM. It is beautiful and won Grand Champion at our local county fair in 2013. What a treat it was to quilt this one!!

There are many tutorials on the raw-edge machine appliqué process, but here are a couple of resources if you need more information:
I have absolutely loved quilting both machine-applique quilts and also the hand appliqué quilts that I talked about in an earlier post. The time and love that have gone into each and every one of these is just phenomenal!!!
Hahahahaha! It must be me…….the appliqué is stunning. Wish I liked doing it! Your quilting really enhances the beauty of the quilts.
Yes, Debbie!!! I was thinking of you when I wrote that comment!!! LOL!!!!!!!
And, the quilt you included from Alma is what drew me to you!
Glad that it did!!!
Thank you for sharing my quilt on Facebook. I love doing appliqué. Your quilting made the quilt a work of art. It amazes me how you do that all free motion quilting.
Mary – Your quilt just amazed me the entire time I was quilting it!! I had never seen that much applique on one quilt and it is just beautiful!!