This quilt came to me from Nancy, who made this for her great grandchild. Is this not the most adorable quilt!! The applique bunnies are just the cutest ever!!
This quilt is appropriately entitled Grandma’s Bunnies!!
Nancy left the quilting up to me, although she sent me a picture of another one that she had seen quilted that had feathers in it. I thought it over for a bit, and the circles kept on coming into my mind, as I thought they would bring the focus to the bunnies themselves, so I went with it.
Make sure that you look closely at the pictures, as one of the sashing fabrics is little carrots, which is adorably cute!!!

I just love this quilt and I know that this will become a family heirloom for the new addition, arriving into this family.

I hope you are all staying healthy and well.
Happy Quilting!!!!